Likoma Island Festival

Likoma Island Festival

Likoma Island Festival

12 Oct 2024 10:00


likoma island festival previously called likoma summer cultural festival is an annual festival held at likoma islands in lake malawi in october. it is an arts, culture and tourism festival that combines festivities with investment forums. the festival will be held from 12th – 15th october 2024 at likoma island.

the festival comprises an investment forum, sports, music, traditional dances, tours and sightseeing, dinner and dance, wellness retreat, awards and projects.

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Likoma Island Festival

Likoma Island Festival 2024 12 Oct 2024 10:00


likoma island festival previously called likoma summer cultural festival is an annual festival held at likoma islands in lake malawi in october. it is an arts, culture and tourism festival that combines festivities with investment forums. the festival will be held from 12th – 15th october 2024 at likoma island.

the festival comprises an investment forum, sports, music, traditional dances, tours and sightseeing, dinner and dance, wellness retreat, awards and projects.